I am so filled with the joy of W-JAX '08 that I cannot contain it.
I will be presenting a keynote at the conference in November and I am thrilled. No holds barred. Nothing off limits. It is going to be both fun AND informative.
The First 60 Seconds
I will start my talk with the usual
"I am so happy to be in Münich... The last time I was in Münich was ... blah blah."
You can't go wrong with this intro. Everyone does this bit, including one of my favorites Tim Bray.
Astonishing Tales
Then, I dive right into telling astonishing tales of building commercial software on top of Open Source frameworks.
To give you an idea of how astonishing my tales are, here is a picture taken at EclipseCon 2008 of me telling stories to (from left to right) Ben Pasero (the smartest twenty-something guy I know who does not work at Google - yet), Bernd Kolb, and Martin Aeschlimann (JDT/UI lead and my bestest Swiss friend).
These three guys look mesmerized and I am hoping my talk will have this effect on the 800+ attendees at the conference.
What makes a good keynote?
To me, the best keynotes are ones that meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. they make you laugh
2. they make you cry
3. they make you think
If you have a story about commercial development around Eclipse that meets at least one of the criteria above, I would love to hear it. Please send an email to wassim dot melhem at gmail dot com.