Tuesdays with RyanSince the
recent rave by Andrew Overholt on what a life-changing experience it is to have lunch with me, my social life has picked up. In fact, I am booked solid right through Labor Day.
At least once a week though, I make time to have lunch with Ryan Smith, a fellow program manager at
Embarcadero, where we discuss technology, America's Next Top Model and
the meaning of life.
One time, Ryan mentioned how I am far from being the hardcore Eclipse fanatic he had expected me to be, what with me being the
PDE guy and all.
That is true. Je love Eclipse. Je can't live without Eclipse. But I don't blindly believe that everything that comes from Eclipse.org is great, and everything else is suboptimal.
DB OptimizerFor
DB Optimizer (currently in beta), after evaluating our options for a charting component, I authorized the use of a lightweight, powerful and sexy
Swing-based component that did not come from Eclipse.org. Does that make me a bad person? :)

Eclipse is a Great Technology, not a ReligionIncidentally, the IBM Ottawa lab has endured multiple disasters of biblical proportions (floods, power outages, etc.) over the years. No locusts yet.
So on second thought, maybe Eclipse is a religion, but I just pick and choose what is convenient :)